Fajitas... por dos??

March 03, 2021

A friend and I went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight. And we ordered "fajitas por dos," a.k.a. fajitas for two... each. That's right, we each ordered a meal meant for two people. And I'll tell you why you should do the same!

Ordering an excessive amount of fajitas:

  1. is economical! You get dinner for one night and honestly, lunch for the next two days, or dinner and lunch the next day. For an extra 50% of the original price, you get like three meals instead of one big one. And that's just good numbers. Plus, since your meal costs a little more, you tip a little more, so your server wins, too. It's a win all around!
  2. is delicious. I mean, have you ever had a bad fajita? Impossible. Whether you go chicken, pork, just veggies, or (if you really feel like splurging) seafood, you can't go wrong. You get the hot food! The rice and beans and lettuce on the side! The little tortillas to assemble and wrap it all up in! Every food group (carbs, protein, veggies) is accounted for!
  3. is so, so, fun. First, you get the slight shock/confusion from the waiter. After all, you are two people so a meal for two makes more sense than two meals for two. And you get to clarify, yes, we DO want that much food. Then, you get the luxury of watching absolute mountains of sizzling meat and peppers float down on to your table. Having that much in front of you as you eat feels like you're in an unproblematic version of the capitol during the Hunger Games: it's lavish and a little ridiculous, and hurts no one. Plus, when there's no way you can finish all the food, there's no pressure to finish it all. Like I said in point number one: two fajitas is like three meals. So one fajita is generally more than one person can comfortably eat at a time, but when it's your meal to finish, it's tempting to just polish it off. All this to say that everything from the ordering to the boxing up of the extra food is just out of the ordinary enough to make you and your friend giggle at your own foolishness all dinner long.

Life is short. I realize this is a very small thrill--but it's a thrill nonetheless, and a pretty accessible one at that! So this weekend, do something for yourself that's a little out of the ordinary, and see if it's more fun than your everyday routine. I'll bet you that it's more fun. In fact, I'll bet you that you have fun... por dos.