This semester, I'm taking a personal branding class which requires I blog! Feel free to peruse. I hope you enjoy my musings.


April 19, 2021

Forget all the financial advice you've ever heard. There are only TWO THINGS you need to do to become a millionaire today. The first is to invent time travel. And then the second is to invest around $9,523 dollars in Dogecoin on July 7, 202…

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Gnarly Falls, Gnarly Getting-Back-Up-Again

April 19, 2021

This week, I am visiting my brother in Colorado (fully vaccinated, don't worry!). He goes to school in Boulder and even though it's April, the weather still seems to think it's winter here. So, this past weekend, we went snowboarding. It was…

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Jules & Julia try Spicy Chicken Sammies!

April 11, 2021

Julia Dudick and I are BACK AT IT AGAIN, this time to try out the new McDonald's Spicy Chicken Sandwich! Click the pic below to see our excellently-filmed vlog.

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The Unexamined Routine is Not Worth Doing

April 07, 2021

When you think about what you're going to do in a day, what do you think of? I bet your answer includes things like school, work, social plans, exercise, or dinner plans. It likely includes anything that is out of the ordinary--things you don't do…

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An April Fool is Born

April 01, 2021's me. I'm the April Fool. I was born on April 1st, and in all my years of turning one year older, I have never been significantly pranked. "What??" you may say. "How can that be??" Simply put, I think pranks are more difficult and risky than…

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Television is Stealing your Life

March 30, 2021

Have you ever thought about how much time you spend watching TV? Recently, I have--and I decided to get concrete about it. Whenever I have free time or am bored, really the only thing that I ever think to do is to fire up Netflix and get cozy on the…

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Jules & Julia talk Enneagrams!

March 24, 2021

This week, my good friend Julia Dudick and I made a podcast! On it, we discuss everything to do with Enneagrams, from Jake Gyllenhall to Barney the Dinosaur. Click the coffee cup below to take a listen!

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Fajitas... por dos??

March 03, 2021

A friend and I went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight. And we ordered "fajitas por dos," a.k.a. fajitas for two... each. That's right, we each ordered a meal meant for two people. And I'll tell you why you should do the same! Ordering an…

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Old People <3 the Vaxx

February 24, 2021

Recently, I've been doing some volunteering at the Friday Center, a convention center which, in recent times, has become a major vaccination site in the Triangle area. I've most commonly worked in the "checkout person" role, where, after they've sat…

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I Dream of Pedestrian Zones

February 20, 2021

Last week, I came across this tweet: According to the American Dream, college is the only time in life when you ought to live in a truly walkable community. The script of the quintessential upper-middle-class American life story goes something…

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Wishful Planking

February 15, 2021

Breathe in.... breathe out. Take a moment to stop, right now, and notice the cadence of your breath. It's rhymthic. Cyclical. Unending and everpresent. Whenever you feel stress coming on, simply return to your breath to restore calm. I, for one…

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I've been Influenced

February 11, 2021

This past summer, it happened to me, too. An idea I saw online took root in my mind and I did things in actual, real life because of it. In other words, I got Influenced. Perhaps, in 2020, the idea of taking advice or making purchases based off of…

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Trash Dinosaurs

February 11, 2021

Last spring, I had the good fortune to spend a semester "down under," living in Sydney, Australia. When I first arrived, all I could see were the similarities. Sure, people had accents, but beyond that, the similarities of our two British-colony…

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A Trip Down the Internet Rabbit Hole

February 10, 2021

This is a story about the wonders of the internet, inspired by the following image: Take a good look. Really let it soak in. It's a masterpiece. I came across this wonder while making an AI-powered chatbot for another course I'm in this semester…

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The "Before"

February 08, 2021

I know what this looks like right now, but I'm asking you to trust the process. One day, this blog will resemble those pre-formatted, beautiful blogs seen on sites like Wix, Squarespace, and even Tumblr. If you're reading this in the distant future…

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